Catalyst X Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT)
Catalyst X Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT)

Catalyst proudly supports @westpacrescueauckland, the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT), a cause close to our hearts.
Catalyst proudly supports @westpacrescueauckland, the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust (ARHT), a cause close to our hearts.
In March 2023, Catalyst sponsored a dedicated mission where the Auckland Westpac Helicopter swiftly airlifted a person from Tiritiri Matangi Island after a serious fall. Quick action saved a life, transporting the patient to Middlemore Hospital.
Covering Auckland, Gulf Islands, and the Coromandel, they work tirelessly 24/7 as New Zealand's only civilian rescue helicopter with whole blood and emergency trauma doctors on board. Their life-saving care en route to hospitals is vital. Last year, ARHT completed a record-breaking 1,115 missions, maintaining nine years of non-stop operation.
As a charitable organisation, ARHT relies on community support to continue their critical care. Together, we make a difference! Please join us in supporting this worthy cause.
How you can help | Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter